musical theatre writer
A Romantic Comedy
Book, Music, and Lyrics by Sarah Hirsch and Ananda Rose
A reclusive college student, Pete Macalester, starts a songwriting business called Music-Match, in which he writes songs on commission for people around campus (everything from a love song to win back an ex-girlfriend to a biology study song to a theme song for the chess team). His business partner, college student Danielle Foster, teaches the songs to their clients so they can perform them around campus. Danielle is in love with Pete, but Pete has no idea, and the more he helps other people communicate their feelings, the less he seems able to deal with his own. Soon, the whole campus wants songs (including the college president and Admissions officers), and Danielle becomes increasingly desperate to tell Pete how she feels... so she starts faking commissions, having Pete write songs that she plans to eventually sing TO him, to tell him she loves him. There's a comic subplot involving the College President and the faculty.

me and my collaborator Ananda Rose